Happy New Year - 2025

Impact of COVID -19 on Education Sector

 Impact of COVID -19 on Education Sector

             Due to COVID-19 most of the educational sectors affected since from 2019. There is no  standard teaching in schools, unversities. Because the treditional teaching methodology updated like online teaching. So the student can't possible to reach the online teaching classes especially in rural area at the same time they can't reache up to that standard and geeting the proper knowledge. 

        The most of the educational institutions canceled their academics exams and pramoted the students next level. Nearly 45 counties in Asia ans Europe closed their schools and colleges and 185 million student effected for this COVID-19 pandemic. Economically also lot of cirises took place. The teachers, administraators are lost their jobs throught the world. 

                Inspite of all this factors still the education sector taking a challenge throught the E-Learning they are trying boot the knowledge in schools, colleges, because they don't loos their knowledge, confidence. So most of he organizations are fullfilling their resources through the E-Learning.

                   E-Learning is playing the  crusial role through the universe and proving the acadmics with filexiblility, accessability, affordable learning.


