Happy New Year - 2025

Friendship day

Friendship day

Friendship is founded in 1919 in Halmark. In 1998, Winnie the pooh was named the orld's Ambassador of Friednship in Unisted States. In April,2011, in United Nation officially recognised in 30th July as a "International Fiednship Day". But most of the countries in globe  celebrat the first Sunday of August.

Friendship day is clebreated throughtout the globe on First sunday in August,in every year. Findship means sharing of feeling to each other, which is not possible with family members. Fiendship is a bond to do the anything. Which makes the communication between to unknow persons and makes stong bonding. Friedship makes the budie to contact, chat, visit, share the memories, make the fun, discovering the new things, making to reach the goals,.
